Aftermath of the plane crash in Philadelphia...
#CityLife #medivac #planecrash #Philadelphia #crash #urban #mexico #Learjet
Well know at least now we know a portion of owning a NFL team is access to previously unreported glory holes.
2025 has been full of new information and we're only one month in... 👀
#NFL #GloryHole #2025IsWild #AB84 #Cowboys
Two criminals attempt to rob concealed carrying Chicago garbage man and the man's life is saved because he was armed and able to defend himself 🇺🇸
#CityLife #chicago #2nd #2A #EDC #ConcealedCarry #SelfDefense #CivilRights #urban #crime #FAFO
Every full auto Friday we remember America before 1986 when all Americans could purchase new production fully automatic weapons at any local gun store without any significant hassle or exorbitant pricing. We shouldn’t just oppose new gun “laws,” we should also push for the removal of draconian limitations on the freedom of all Americans to exercise their right to self defense in any manner they see fit 🇺🇸
Sending Minuteman Munitions 9mm downrange with a Heckler & Koch MP5SD wearing a Steiner red dot in a Battle Steel mount, B&T compact suppressor, & Surefire Turbo Scout light 🔴🤫
#FullAutoFriday #MP5 #MP5SD #suppressor #subsonic #steiner #1986 #FAF #Friday #BattleSteel #MinutemanMunitions
Blake McPhee was arrested and during the struggle with police his penis froze to the pavement. I realize it sounds unbelievable but, unfortunately, there is video of it happening.
I'm not sharing it as some of y'all get squeamish with the videos I share from time to time. You're welcome 😎🍆
#rural #FortMcMurray #Canada #police #drunk #frozen #small #fail #FAFO #BlakeMcPhee #alcohol
G Force Arms Glock mags/parts compatible 15+1 Exodus wtih bronze finish, optics cut slide, & fiber optic sights for $279 currently here: