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Gold plated select fire AKs with no ear pro and no particular target? Yes please... 😂

#safety #OSHA #arab #saudi #kalashlife #dance #dancing


Yes, I know the "video has been altered."

Yes, it's still funny. Mark Cuban is very upset... 😎

#MSNBC #RachelMaddow #elon


Want to see someone shoot the ceiling at an indoor range? Of course you do 😎

I'm guessing it was a hang fire but not sure. Thoughts?

#safety #OSHA #IndoorRange #RSO #50cal


If you live in California, Washington, New York, Oregon, Massachusetts, or New Jersey and want an RV - better do so before January 1st...

#RV #tyranny #california #washington #NewYork #oregon #massachusetts #NewJersey

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Let's check in on the United Kingdom and see how it's going... 🤨

"Biologically male transgender officers for the British Transport Police (BTP) are now allowed to strip-search female suspects, according to a report from The Telegraph."

#britain #UK #UnitedKingdom #police #crime

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I understand why FEMA won't pay to rebuild homes in a flood plane but why they won't move RVs and other temporary housing options there makes 0 sense.

#fema #tent #tents #WNC #helene

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