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The neighborhood where this happened is considered a "nicer" neighborhood for Baltimore which means it's now equivalent to a bad neighborhood there from 10 years ago. Of course, it's virtually impossible for law abiding citizens to legally carry firearms in Baltimore which always results in videos like this...

"He was just getting home Thursday night when he said he was attacked by a group of young people. He had a gun in his face, a scuffle unfolded, and before he knew it, the young people kicked him, and he was knocked out.

That’s what happened to 66-year-old Bernie in a neighborhood near Patterson Park in Baltimore City. His left eye is swollen, black and blue, and he has seven stiches near his eyebrow. Bernie didn’t want his last name shared publicly but recalled the horrific attack.

In my mind, I knew what was coming next, so I started to run, and they started to chase me. As I was running, I was yelling ‘help, help I’m being robbed.’ He pulled the gun out and he stuck the gun in my face, and I said, ‘what do you want?’ He said, ‘I want everything’, Bernie said.

He said there were five suspects who attacked him. Baltimore Police were able to track down and arrest two of them: Montaz Bailey, 18, and an unidentified 15-year-old male. The 15-year-old suspect was taken to the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center “to request a review for detention,” according to BPD, but he was released to a guardian. The 15-year-old and Bailey both have prior arrests, according to BPD.

After reviewing the video and evidence, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates authorized an attempted first-degree murder charge to be filed against Bailey." -Fox45

#CityLife #baltimore #Balmore #NattyBoh #urban #decay #FailedState #democrats

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Asheville, NC... 👀

#NC #Appalachia #asheville #boone #HurricaneHelene #flood #Uhaul


ICE just issued a report about the types of illegals that have been let into our country and the numbers are insane. ICE works for the President so the numbers are likely larger than what's being reported.

Share this everywhere folks; hopefully it'll wake some people up 👀

  • 13,099 Murderers
  • 15,811 Rapists
  • 425,431 Convicted Criminals

Plan and arm yourselves accordingly...

#illegals #crime #FailedState


If you know anyone in need of assistance/rescue/etc... following the floods in NC - calling 211 will put them in touch with the emergency operation center(s) that are coordinating the resources for that.

211 works with VOIP if that's all they have.

#NC #flood #flooding #NorthCarolinaFlooding #asheville #boone

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Current power outage map.

Plan accordingly...

#helene #HurricaneHelene #griddown #planning #prepare

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"A Chinese nuclear-powered attack submarine sank in its dock earlier this year while under construction, in a major setback for the Chinese military"

#submarine #china #navy

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