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Let's see what kind of content Diddy has been posting over the years 🤨

I wonder what happened after this video... 👀

#diddy #roofie #whites #blackmail #PDiddy #Diddler

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When I had a house built I told the builder I wanted the exterior doors to open outward and he asked why. This is why 😂

The big vulnerability to an exterior door that opens outward is someone popping the hinges which can be mitigated by using these FWIW:

Everything can be breached. How much effort it takes to breach it varies widely. Plan accordingly...

#safety #homedefense #crime #burglar #homeinvasion


Natural selection in action...

#CityLife #darwin #StreetTakeover #takeover #dumb #urban #decay


For once some decent questions from members of Congress and the DHS woman seems to answer to the best of her abilities. That's my initial perception anyway but I hope more will come out on her answers to further bolster or not bolster them in the near future.

These type of sessions, where officials (again, seem to) actually answer questions, should be the norm rather than what we've seen almost every other time in the last two months....

#Trump #DHS #congress


Last week we lost the great Ed Brown. Ed was many things but was best known as one of the few gunsmiths in the 70s and 80s that worked to improve the 1911 from the USGI model into the more modern version most of us are familiar with.

His innovations in the 1911 ultimately inspired others to take those innovations and bring them into what would become the 2011. So, a lot of the fancy guns you see across social media today likely wouldn't have ever been dreamt of let alone built with out the mind and talent of Ed Brown....

#EdBrown #1911 #2011 #USGI #ISPC

So far this is the best image of the would be Trump assassin's SKS recovered in West Palm Beach 😎

On a serious note; how hard is it to just take a decent photo of a rifle supposedly used in a historically relevant crime?

#SKS #media #ButlerFarms #fight

post photo preview

If true that's going to have pretty big economic impacts in many places across the globe...

"home solar energy systems exploded in several areas of Beirut"

#Lebanon #exploding #SolarPower #SolarEnergy #Espionage #IDF

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