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September 13, 2024

A few points:

1. 100% there are scam/fraud armor companies that sell junk products in the US and every couple years or so they get exposed and are typically criminally charged. So, it's important to be vigilant about these life saving products for obvious reasons.

2. The NIJ certification process, on paper, is very good and thorough which is why they charge armor companies a lot of money per SKU annually to be "compliant" with their testing.

3. The NIJ testing process, in reality as it's actually performed, is no where near what is advertised and many corners are cut. Whether that amounts to "fraud" legally I can't say but it's certainly not what they claim it to be.

4. I've had multiple former NIJ testing employees reach out to me with clear evidence of point #3 and I know, for a fact, armor companies have won lawsuits against the NIJ for their "sloppy" practices.

All of these things can be true at once.

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Leftists can't handle simple questions like Peter Doocy asks here.

He points out it's been two days since a liberal tried to kill Trump and she's still calling him a "threat."

She closes here notebook and walks away instead of answering.... 🤨

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Ron DeSantis is a former federal prosecutor, he knows that's true.

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The final #pager message

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Regarding the exploding pagers earlier today: here's a historic example of what may have happened....

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Good example of:
-the importance of marksmanship fundamentals
-the importance of knowing your target and what is beyond it

"An NYPD officer and two bystanders were wounded (shot) when police opened fire on a man armed with a knife at an L train subway station in Brooklyn"

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