AAC brass case 5.56 with 77gr OTM match projectiles for $0.55/rd currently here: https://mrgunsngear.org/3KhCX1c
In stock as of this post but that won't last 🦅🔥
graphic warning
Impromptu 7.62x39 ballistics test on non muslims in HTS controlled Syria...
#syria #latakia #war #HTS #aljolani #alawite #druze #christian
The slaughter of non muslims in Syria continues....
#syria #latakia #war #HTS #aljolani #alawite #druze #christian
AP reporter Jeffery Collins describes the firing squad execution that happened recently in South Carolina.
The thing that seems odd to me is that they aim for/hit the heart rather than the brain. I suppose both are effective at the end of the day....
#execution #columbia #SouthCarolina
They used 110gr TAP 308 - solid choice for killing someone quickly.
#execution #columbia #SouthCarolina #FiringSquad
High school student Kaelen Tucker was attacked with a baton to the head during a race at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
#ContactSports #trackandfield #race #crime
PSA GF3 AK47 with 4150CMV nitrided barrel, hammer forged bolt/carrier/trunnion, enhanced safety, and grey furniture for $649 currently here: https://mrgunsngear.org/3z5OqtF
Review is up; cheapest I've seen it 🦅