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The southern border is wide open so enemies of the US will exploit it - everyone with a functional brain understands that.

1. Why do you think this "news" was released by the "mainstream media?"⬇️
1A. Because it's true
1B. To set the stage for a future false flag attack
1C. Something else

Regardless, plan accordingly....

#Border #news #ISIS #islam #jihad #caliphate #psyop

There it go

"There it go..."

Indeed, there it go... 👀

#CityLife #switches #glock #urban #crime #democrats


What do y'all think led to this Walmart brawl? 🤔

Should Jonny have "punched her in the f**king face?" 🤨

So many questions... ⍰

#Walmart #women #son #shampoo #conditioner


When I saw this I assumed it was a "parody news" site. Nope... 👀

"The commander of a U.S. airbase in South Korea has authorized troops to wear a ‘pride morale patch’ on their military uniforms."

#USAF #military

I understand standing is important but it just seems odd to me that a case would get all the way to SCOTUS only for that to be the basis of the ruling...

That issue aside - this will certainly be the green light for more social media manipulation by the government as the election nears.

"In a 6-3, the court’s majority ruled states lacked standing to sue the Biden administration"

"The case, Murthy v. Missouri, stems from a lawsuit brought by state attorneys general from Missouri and Louisiana that accused high-ranking government officials of working with giant social media companies "under the guise of combating misinformation" that ultimately led to censoring speech on topics that included Hunter Biden’s laptop, COVID-19 origins and the efficacy of face masks."

#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS

I may or may not have ordered this Reserve Collection P226-XFIVE.... 👀

Who are we kidding - y'all know I did 😂🇺🇸

If y'all are looking to get on the backorder list:

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